
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (a.k.a Windows 10 Enterprise LTSB)

Windows 10 IoT Enterprise je operačný systém špeciálne navrhnutý a optimalizovaný pre zdravotnícke zariadenia, bankomaty (ATM), priemyselnú automatizáciu a akékoľvek iné „embedded“ zariadenia. Je založený na novej technológii Windows 10 s pokročilými schopnosťami uzamknutia, kompatibilitou Win32 a podporou univerzálnych aplikácií pre systém Windows.

Keďže systém je založený na plnej verzii systému Windows 10, ponúka úplnú kompatibilitu pre aplikácie a ovládače (Universal Windows Platform). Je k dispozícii pre 32-bitovú a 64-bitovú architektúru. Rovnako ako u predchádzajúcich verzií bude nový systém podporovaný spoločnosťou Microsoft aspoň 10 rokov.


IoT Enterprise poskytuje pokročilé možnosti uzamknutia zariadenia umožňujúce povoliť scenáre pre konkrétne zariadenie vrátane:

  • Priemyselná automatizácia
  • Lekárske prístroje
  • Maloobchodné POS
  • Digital Signage/Kiosk
  • ATM (Bankomat)
  • Výroba
  • Tenký klienti
  • Priemyselné tablety

Windows 10 IoT Enterprise je najnovšia verziu radu Desktop pre Embedded/IoT. Windows 10 IoT Enterprise pokračuje v produktovom pláne:

  • Windows NT Embedded (NTe)
  • Windows XP Embedded (XPe)
  • Windows Embedded Standard 7 (WES7)
  • Windows Embedded 8 Standard (WE8S)
  • Windows Embedded Industry 8.1 (WEI8.1)
  • Windows 10 IoT Enterprise

Teraz sa budeme baviť menami. Ak hľadáte produkt s názvom Windows 10 IoT Enterprise, nenájdete ho. Windows 10 IoT Enterprise je binárnym ekvivalentom systému Windows 10 Enterprise. Existujú tak dve verzie systému Windows 10 Enterprise:

  • Windows 10 Enterprise
  • Windows 10 Enterprise LTSB

Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2016 licencie

"High-End" SKU je určená pre zariadenia, ktoré obsahujú Intel Core i7, Intel XEON alebo vybrané modely AMD FX.
"Value" SKU je určená pre zariadenia s procesormi Intel Core i3, i5 alebo AMD R, A10, A8 a ostatné modely FX.
"Entry" SKU je určené pre zariadenia s veľmi nízkymi výpočtovými schopnosťami a modelmi procesorov, ako sú Intel Atom alebo vybrané modely Celeron a AMD E1, E2, A4, A6 alebo G.

"Entry" SKU má najnižšiu cenu, zatiaľ čo "High-end" SKU má najvyššiu cenu. Hodnota "Value" SKU leží medzi týmito dvoma.

  • 6EU-00034 – Windows 10 IoT Enterprise – 2016 LTSB (High End)
  • 6EU-00035 – Windows 10 IoT Enterprise – 2016 LTSB (Value)
  • 6EU-00036 – Windows 10 IoT Enterprise – 2016 LTSB (Entry)

  • 6F6-00036 – Windows 10 IoT Enterprise – 2016 CBB (High End)
  • 6F6-00037 – Windows 10 IoT Enterprise – 2016 CBB (Value)
  • 6F6-00038 – Windows 10 IoT Enterprise – 2016 CBB (Entry)
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Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2016 LTSB & CBB 31.07.2026 2021 2026

Windows 10 IoT Enterprise Key Features

Granular UX Control
Unified Write Filter
  • Create Read-only devices
  • Protect system against write operations
Assigned Access
  • Block edge gestures, hotkeys and other key combinations
  • Launch a Universal Windows app on login plus lock access to system
  • Multi-user profiles for mobile with Application and Settings Allow Lists
  • Button Remapping and Lockdown
  • Eliminate unwanted/unknown applications
  • Suppress system dialogs & control processes that can be run
MDM & Group Policies
  • Ability to customize Start layout
  • Suppress toast notifications
  • Restrict USB devices / peripherals on system
  • Ability to disable Cortana
Shell Launcher
  • Launch a Classic Windows application on login
  • Block hotkeys and other key combinations
Custom Logon
  • Suppress Windows UI elements displayed during Windows logon and shutdown
Unbranded Boot Experience / Unbranded Screens
  • Custom brand a device by removing and/or replace Windows UI boot elements
  • Support for Project Rome
Hibernate Once/Resume Many (HORM)
  • Start your device in preconfigured state

  • Advanced Device Security
    • Only allow trusted peripherals
    • Secure IoT Devices with Trusted Platform Modules (TPM)
  • Next Generation Credentials – two-factor authentication
  • Device Guard - Run only trusted apps with Advanced Threat Resistance
  • Windows Hello and Passport

  • Azure IoT Device Management
  • Azure IoT Hub Device Provisioning
  • MDM Enablement
  • Ability to control and block modern app updates
  • Ability to block unenrollment
  • Context Manager
  • Bulk provisioning through Barcode/NFC/SD card

  • Current Branch (CB)
  • Current Branch for Business (CBB)
  • Long Term Servicing Branch (LTSB)
  • Deferred activation
  • No activation required
  • Online activation

App Platform
  • Universal Windows Platform (UWP) apps
  • Classic Windows applications (Win32/.NET)

  • Converged toolset: Windows Configuration Designer in the Assessment & Deployment Kit (ADK)

Peripheral/Device Connectivity Support
  • Retail Industry Peripherals supported in box by Enterprise (Barcode Scanner, Mag Stripe Reader, Receipt Printer, Cash Drawer, Payment Terminal)
  • Access to standard busses (e.g. GPIO, I2C, SP1) and system settings (e.g. power state, radio control, Bluetooth) via UWP APIs
  • Access to Windows Universal Driver (UD) Platform creates common & consistent device driver APIs
  • OCF is integrated into Windows 10 core framework, so its available to all Windows 10 devices

Comparison between Windows 10 Editions

Windows 10 Pro vs. Windows 10 IoT - picture 1
Familiar, and better than everWindows 10
Windows 10
Windows 10
IoT Enterprise
Customizable Start Menu icon_check icon_check icon_check
Windows Defender & Windows Firewall icon_check icon_check icon_check
Fast start up with Hiberboot and InstantGo icon_check icon_check icon_check
TPM support icon_check icon_check icon_check
Battery Saver icon_check icon_check icon_check
Windows Update icon_check icon_check icon_check
Talk or type naturally icon_check icon_check  
Personal and proactive suggestions icon_check icon_check  
Reminders icon_check icon_check  
Search web, device, and cloud icon_check icon_check  
"Hey Cortana" hands-free activation icon_check icon_check  
Windows Hello
Native fingerprint recognition icon_check icon_check icon_check
Native facial and iris recognition icon_check icon_check icon_check
Enterprise level security icon_check icon_check icon_check
Virtual desktops icon_check icon_check icon_check
Snap assist (up to 4 apps on one screen) icon_check icon_check icon_check
Snap apps across screens on different monitors icon_check icon_check icon_check
Switch from PC to tablet mode icon_check icon_check icon_check
Microsoft Edge
Reading view icon_check icon_check  
Built-in ink support icon_check icon_check  
Cortana integration icon_check icon_check  
Universal Windows Platform
Universal Windows apps icon_check icon_check icon_check
Classic Desktop applications icon_check icon_check icon_check
Microsoft Universal Windows apps included icon_check icon_check  
Microsoft Store Client icon_check icon_check  
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise
LTSB Edition removes
the following universal apps:
Bing Finance
Bing News
Bing Sports
Office Hub
Phone Companion App
WindowsSound Recorder
Windows 10 Pro vs. Windows 10 IoT - picture 2
Windows 10 Pro vs. Windows 10 IoT - picture 3
Windows 10 IoT version

Windows Update Comparison
